Another Hot Make Hot Break (HMHB) quick-connect / emergency-quick-disconnect (EQD) leaves Secc to be permanently mounted onto a subsea manifold. This connector joins a growing total of 8 Hot Make Hot Breaks that are permanently mounted to subsea manifolds and x-mas trees in the North Sea alone. The Tier I OEM service provider intends to utilise the HMHB to provide immediate, plug-and-play access to the manifold for hydraulic intervention operations.
With a design life of 25 years, the HMHB provides permanent, USB style, plug-and-play access to the manifold/tree. Additionally, in an emergency situation such as vessel drift off the HMHB will autonomously disconnect at maximum working pressure of 10,000 psi with no fluid loss. Passive at its core, disconnection of the HMHB is initiated simply by tension in the downline exceeding 2 tonnes. Hydraulic actuation can also be incorporated for active disconnection.