Secc’s HMHB and MLWL are the go-to QCDC’s and EQD’s for Subsea Riserless Light Well Intervention (RLWI). The technology is used across all LWI applications such as hydrate remediation, acid stimulation and scale squeezes. All the major RLWI OEM’s and service companies use Secc’s products. These companies include all Tier 1 and Tier 2 well intervention service providers. By extension all the major oil companies and the majority of international, national and independent oil companies are familiar with Secc’s technology. It has proven to be the Best Available Safest Technology (BAST).
Secc’s Gimbal and Turret Swivels can provide improved flexibility for coupling connections from Subsea Flowlines to Rigid connections. Whilst offering unapparelled EQD performance.
See Secc’s Gimbal Swivel in action below:
See Secc’s Turret Swivel in action below: