Secc’s Hot Make Hot Break (HMHB) connector has recently been installed onto new vessel the Kasteelborg, docked in Den Helder – The Netherlands.
Operators Shell / Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij BV (NAM) will utilise the HMHB as an Emergency Quick Disconnect (EQD) during the high-pressure, high-flow transfer of gas between the vessel and platform in the Southern North Sea Gas Fields.
The HMHB’s 2” full-bore permits high flow rates and a maximum working pressure of 10Kpsi. In an emergency drift off situation, the HMHB will passively disconnect when the tensional load in the transfer hose exceeds 3.5 tonnes (as per Shell’s request). Shell can also utilise the HMHB’s hydraulic capability for an active, controlled disconnect. Upon disconnection the HMHB will instantly seal on both sides at full working pressure with no fluid loss or line contamination.
The HMHB receptacle is mounted atop a 45° decline chute which is designed to safely guide the HMHB stab overboard during disconnection. The ease with which the HMHB can be connected and disconnected significantly reduces operational downtime and deferred oil revenues.
For further information on the Hot Make Hot Break (HMHB), click here.