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South East Asia


Extended Well Production tests – Reel protection

The 90° geometry of the HMHB allows efficient integration into Reel pipe work. Predominately replacing the traditional 90° Elbow where the pipe work enters the Reel drum. The HMHB balanced design allows for non-aggressive controlled activation, even when pressurised. This HMHB was fitted with an interlock, allowing it to be disarmed when the Hose was fully paid out. Allowing for a passive activation to initiate in the event the Hose was over tensioned.  Resetting is achieved on the reel without decoupling.

The HMHB mounted on the Reel was used in a series of extended well production tests.  Produced hydrocarbons are transferred from a nominally unmanned installation via a 4” hose to the Early Production Vessel.  During 12 months of operation the EPV had difficulties controlling the Dynamic Positioning leading to the need to disconnect and reconnect the hose via the HMHB frequently.  During these operations no hydrocarbons were released to the environment due to the zero leak, self-sealing nature of the HMHB.